Saturday, July 21, 2012

Drive the Autobahn

I got to check off another item on the bucket list--drive the Autobahn on Germany. I am proud to say I hit top end on the speedometer (safely), although the actual speed is not much to brag about (Nissan Qashqai +2 are not known for high speed and performance).

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Independence Day

My first Independence Day as an American citizen was in Norway. We grilled hot dogs, corn on the cob, and had ice cream.

Reminds Me of My Youth

We have some raspberries, gooseberries, and rhubarb growing in our yard. I have also seen choke cherries around. All of this fruit is a pleasant reminder of growing up in Steinbach. I gave our dog a half eaten raspberry and now he heads straight for the bushes to sniff out more. He also did not mind the sour gooseberries.