Monday, March 26, 2012


Now that I am a citizen I needed a passport. Considering I was dealing with a government agency things went extremely smoothly. I am now ready to travel the world, or at least fly to Norway next week.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Reflections On the Naturalization Ceremony

The following are several posts I made to Facebook regarding the day/event of becoming a US Citizen on March 21, 2012.

I am overwhelmed by all the responses to me becoming an American citizen today--thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a long road to this point. The United States has been good to me and a place that I would like to consider home for the rest of my life. Fortunately I am able to be a dual citizen. I will always treasure my Canadian element (and you know who I will cheer for in hockey).

I would like to give a special shout out to members of the CC(C)S family from my early years in Houston. We had a lot of laughs, and serious talks about the whole Canada-US thing and I will treasure those times.

I want to thank my wonderful wife for her help in the green card and citizenship process. Her persistence helped get things done quicker (mainly getting me going faster). I love you honey and am grateful for all you did.

Now a US Citizen

What an exciting day! Josh and I picked up Doug at 6:12--never new 290 was that busy that early. Another nice bottleneck at beltway 8 and I-45. We arrived at 7:15 (the paper said to arrive at 7 am sharp) at the M.O. Campbell Education Center. The parking lot was packed. Not to fear, there was a long line-up, so we weren't late. We finally got situated and seated around 7:50. The judge did not arrive until around 9:50. The ceremony itself (technically a court session) was brief and nice. The color guard posted the colors, followed by "The Star Spangled Banner". After being assured that all applicants were willing, able, and qualified to take the oath the judge lead in the "Oath of Allegiance". The local president of the League of Women Voters had a short speech. Somewhere in there we said the pledge to the flag. We then received our voter registration cards and waited for our color to be called. Upon hearing your color you went to the registration table to pick up your citizenship certificate. I had red, the last color called, which meant more waiting but also an empty parking lot.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Feeling Blue

We took Kim to the airport yesterday after she spent Spring Break with us. The house feels empty and we are a little blue. The good news is we get to go to Norway for Easter!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Home for Spring Break

Kim is home for Spring Break. Josh could hardly contain himself the day we got mommy from the airport. There is lots to do while Kim is here.